Monday, November 30, 2009

Medicine FAQ 6

Can you donate blood if i hold a one month piercing and a one week piercing?
I think it depends on if it was done beside a gun or a needle. If you had it done with a sterile gun at Claire's or something, you should be okay to donate. I judge they're most worried about dirty needles, sharing needles,...

Can you donate blood months after have surgery?
i had my gall bladder taken out in October '08 and after have it removed i had 2 more surgeries because something went wrong during the removal. (also, i had an epidural when i give birth in June '08) i want to donate blood but someone told me i wouldn't be able...

Can you donate me 5 diseases associated next to lipids....?
Can you give me 5 diseases associated with lipids, 5 for proteins, 5 for nucleic acids, and 5 for carbohydrates for proteins: edema, ketonuria, ketoacidosis, hypoalbuminemia, hyperalbuminemia, gout for lipids: hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism, gall stones, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes Source(s): med stu - Five diseases associated near lipids Risk factors...

Can you donate me the complete roll of adjectives types of doctors please relief?
I need the complete list of all the types of doctors nearby are in the world please. Sorry, no one is going to answer the question the instrument you want it to. There are doctors of almost any area you can study in school...doctors of math,...

Can you donate platelets and together blood at like peas in a pod time?
I've been donating whole blood for a couple of years now, but lately received a letter saying that I am able to donate platelets as powerfully. However I can't seem to find the letter any more, and I was a moment ago wondering whether you can...

Can you draw from a tattoo if you are on the perscription Coumadin?
My dad is on the persciption Coumadin which is a blood thinner in case of blood clots. He wants to draw from a tattoo but is afraid that it would be hard for him to stop bleeding. Is getting a tattoo dangerous? Would it be crazy to...

Can you drink alcohol 6 hours after donating blood?
Sure, if you have no problems with it otherwise. It would be advisable to be very well hydrated before, and moderate in intake though. - Absolutely... you could drink while you were donating if they would agree to you. When I was in college, I used to "donate" plasma. They'd give...

Can you drink alcohol if you are taking the medication penicillin?
You should trust the prescribing information on the prescription and your pharmacist before a stranger on Every prescription I've ever seen will list whether or not you can drink alcohol. Source(s): M.S. surrounded by pharmacy - Yes if you are taking penicillin but no if you are taking...

Can you drink alcohol while taking lisinopril for high-ranking blood pressure?
Ya but only tequila though other alcohol will make you drowsy and maybe return with you sick. - Hey, Yes, BUT you should not drink a large amount of alcohol and you should absolutely stay well hydrated. You should drink plentifully of water to make sure your kidney's won't...

Can you drink alcohol while taking novo-lexin 250 mg Cephalexin 250 mg?
Dizziness, fatigue, confusion and hallucinations are all documented side effects of cephalexin (Keflex, Novo Lexin). Do not drink alcohol until the effects of the medication are known as alcohol may potentiate these effects. Source(s): Pharmacist

Can you drink human blood?
For example you're in some survival situation, you don't have any water, you're especially very thirsty and there are some dead race around you. Could you survive by drinking their blood? Do you know what else you could drink in this kind of situation? According to Man vs Wild, you could drink your own pee....

Can you drink penicillin if you believe you hold appendicitis? What are the side effects/risks?
If you hold appendicitis, you need to have your appendix surgically removed. You shouldn't take medicine like penicillin without your doctor prescribing it.You may be allergic to it. It may require different treatment. I suggest seeing a doctor, asap. Your symptoms might not be appendicitis....

Can you drink somebody's blood to survive dehydration?
OK this is not my idea, neither am I intending to attempt it. I read an article of a person who gave his blood so that someone else will survive. Is this a medically nouns idea? Please situate that in the context of no other fluids available and the very actual possibility...

Can you drink while on Celexa/Citalopram?
I'm on Celexa (citalopram) 20 mg. I have heard that you shouldn't drink while you were on it, but concluding night I drank in moderation (I had almost 4 or 5 drinks throughout the entire night). I didn't feel like I was drunk at adjectives. And it's the first time I've drank since before...

Can you efficient while your on Lexapro?
? I wouldn't. I did a little research, and apparently some side effects that may concern you include weight change, nausea, diarrhea, and difficulty sitting still. All these things within themselves can cause a dramatic, unhealthy drop in bulk. Fasting would make the weight loss even more dramatic and even more unhealthy so...

Can you embezzle 1000mg of cephalexin? I hold lately be taking 1 500mg a daylight for 5 days. Some1 told me i have need of 2 ta?
More to help it out. I have noticed a big devolution in the past few days but today it seem approaching alittle has came back. It is used for a tooth infection. you...

Can you embezzle effexor while you are taking prozac?
I just started taking prozac last week, and if I were to embezzle effexor now, would that do any harm? some people do but ask your doctor - it prlly wouldnt but do not transport anything that is not prescribed to you - only if prescribed by your doctor!! natter to...

Can you embezzle selenium near birth control?
Im taking like ortho tri cyclen.... will selenium cancel it out or anything? You probably don't need selenium. Too much selenium can front to dangerous toxicity. According to the monograph below, there are no known interactions, but that does not denote someone did experiments to evaluate drug interactions. Drug interactions usually are found...

Can you endorse a drug oral exam if your around weed but dont smoke it?
That depends how commonly you are around weed.Weed can settle in you hair and skin. It only bring back in your urine if you ingest it. If you hang around with relations that smoke it the whole time you are around then chances are you...

Can you endorse a drug tryout by?
putting clean piss into a condom and then keeping it body temp? but how would do you keep it body temp.? Tape it to the inside of your armpit, or between your inner thigh and your labia majora. Also, you can take a small tube, put the condom in that, fill it beside...

Can you endow with me a website beside the pictures or descriptions of:?
Positron Emission Tomography, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging? Sure. For convenience's sake, I've tinyurl'ed them: For PET images: For SPECT images: For fMRI images: Source(s):

Can you enjoy 1 aspirin (Aleve) for a headache?
I heard that you can not have aspirin for a headache. This was adjectives I have right now. I do not know why but I was a moment ago wondering if it is safe or not. If it is not safe, please tell me why. Thank you for your responses. It's...

Can you enjoy a energy if you`re a neurosurgeon?
I want to be a neurosurgeon. I also want to have kids. Is it possible to do both without being the world`s worse mom? And in need becoming a bad doctor because of all of the stress? If you have personal experience, I conspicuously want to hear from you! You have...

Can you enjoy cirrhosis of the liver and not know it?
I've read in more than one place that five or six drinks a day will give you cirrhosis of the liver surrounded by 10-15 years. Now that's way more than I drink, but there's got to be any number of guys who stop off at a lump after work...

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